Residents in the parish of Burnham Without might be interested in 7 new rented properties provided by the South Western Housing Society in partnership with Sedgemoor District Council at Brent Knoll. 1 x 4 Bedroom Affordable Rented House 1 x 3 Bedroom Affordable Rented House 1 x 2 Bedroom Affordable Rented House 2 x 2 Bedroom Affordable Rented Apartments 2 x 1 Bedroom Affordable Rented Apartments The properties will be advertised via Homefinder Somerset Enquiries to: 01934 750780 or To be eligible for these new rented properties you will need to register with and have a local connection to the parish A new residential development including 7 affordable rented properties 1 x 4 Bedroom House•1 x 3 Bedroom House •1 x 2 Bedroom House 2 x 2 Bedroom Flats • 2 X 1 Bedroom Flats
Brent Knoll Housing Scheme Eligibility Local Connection CATEGORY ONE A Qualifying Person who has immediately prior to such allocation been ordinarily resident / living within the Parish of Brent Knoll (“the Parish”) for the previous five (5) years CATEGORY NINE In the event that no suitable applicants are found using categories 1—8 A Qualifying person free from a local connection . CATEGORY FOUR A Qualifying Person who has immediately prior to such allocation evidenced to the Registered Provider a previous residence within the Parish of at least 5 years within the last 10 years CATEGORY TWO A Qualifying Person who has immediately prior to such allocation been ordinarily resident / living within the Parish for a continuous period of at least three (3) years CATEGORY SEVEN A Qualifying Person who has immediately prior to such allocation evidenced to the Registered Provider that they have lived in the Parish or have been continuously resident/living within the parish of Burnham Without for the previous period of at least three (3) years. CATEGORY THREE A Qualifying Person who can produce evidence that they have immediate family who have continuously resided/lived in Parish for the previous ten (10) years and for the avoidance of any doubt ‘immediate family’ shall mean a family member to the main or joint applicant and shall be Parent(s) Grandparent(s) Child(ren) or Sibling(s) CATEGORY SIX A Qualifying Person who has immediately prior to such allocation evidenced to the Registered Provider that they have lived in the Parish have been continuously resident/living within the parish of Burnham Without for the previous period of at least five (5) years. CATEGORY EIGHT A Qualifying Person who has immediately prior to such allocation evidenced to the Registered Provider that they have immediate family who have continuously resided/lived in the parish of Burnham without for the previous ten (10) years and for the avoidance of doubt “immediate family” shall mean a family member to the main or joint applicant and shall be Parent(s) Grandparent(s) Child(ren) or Sibling(s). have been previously resided within the parish of Burnham Without for at least five (5) years out of the last ten (10) years. have permanent employment/self-employment in the parish of Burnham Without and for the avoidance of doubt ‘permanent employment’ means having a permanent contract of employment for a minimum of sixteen (16) hours per week for at least the preceding three (3) years NOTES: Within each category allocation will be prioritised using Homefinder Somerset bands, bedroom size criteria and the date of registration with Homefinder Somerset. Preference will be given to applicants who meet the full occupancy criteria along with the local connection criteria CATEGORY FIVE A Qualifying Person who has immediately prior to such allocation evidenced to the Registered Provider that they have permanent employment/self-employment in the Parish and for the avoidance of doubt ‘permanent employment’ means having a permanent contract of employment for a minimum of sixteen (16) hours per week for at least the preceding three (3) years